For Tandem Unit requests, you may submit Request for Tandem/Non-installation of Finishes/Partitions (RTN) to your Sales Agent. You will then be given the Standard Tandem Layout which you have to fill-out and sign, and submit with Php200,000.00 cash/check bond to Sales Management with the assistance of the Sales Agent/Seller. The RTN will then be submitted to Accounting of Construction Division who shall issue Acknowledgement Receipt (AR). An action sheet will be prepared for Management’s approval.
When construction of your unit has finished and is ready for turnover, you are required to bring your AR copy during unit inspection. When Certificate of Acceptance of Unit has already been issued, you will be asked to fill-out a Request to Release the Construction Bond Form. Your request will then be forwarded to Treasury (Construction Division) along with the AR copy and Certificate of Acceptance to process release of the construction bond. Customer Care will inform you once cash/check bond is ready for release.
Note: Tandem Unit requests must be made at least 10 days before the date specified by Construction Division.
For Non-Installation of Finishes and Partitions requests, you may submit Request for Tandem/Non-installation of Finishes/Partitions (RTN) to your Sales Agent. You will then be given the Unit Finishes Non-installation Checklist with Unit Alteration Guidelines which you have to fill-out and sign, and submit with Php100,000.00 cash bond to Sales Management/Customer Care. The RTN will then be submitted to the Accounting of Construction Division who shall issue an Acknowledgement Receipt (AR). An action sheet will be prepared for Management’s approval.
When construction of your unit has been finished and ready for turnover, you have to bring your AR copy during unit inspection. When Certificate of Acceptance of Unit has already been issued, you will be asked to fill-out a Request to Release the Construction Bond Form. It will be forwarded to Treasury (Construction Division) along with the AR copy and Certificate of Acceptance to process release of the construction bond.
Note: Requests for Non-Installation of Finishes and Partitions must be made at least ten (10) days before the date specified by Construction Division.
Turnover is a process wherein DMCI Homes physically delivers the unit to the buyer.
Upon the release of our Documentation Group of your unit’s clearance for turnover, a coordinator from the Turnover Group will call or email you to confirm the dressing up of your unit and to inform you of the tentative turnover schedule along with the turnover fees, which you would have to settle upon acceptance of the unit. A confirmation from you is required to start the unit dress-up.
On the date of your unit’s turnover, you will be asked to inspect your unit and sign the Acceptance Document that states that the unit is acceptable to you. If there will be requests to rectify some items, these will be noted in the punchlist form and shall be endorsed by the Turnover Group to the Construction Group for proper action. The final turnover will be rescheduled until further notice depending on the quantity or scope of rectification works.
Once you are satisfied with your unit’s condition, the unit will be immediately turned over. You will be asked to sign a Certificate of Acceptance, complete Meralco application documents and settle the Turnover Fees, which covers the following:
You will be introduced to the Property Management Office (PMO) for briefing and orientation regarding condominium policies, rules and regulations.
You shall be given a Homeowner’s Manual and the complete set of keys for your unit.
If the Principal Buyer is not available on the scheduled turnover of unit, an Authorized Representative may accept the unit on his/her behalf provided the following must be presented:
IMPORTANT: If you fail to inspect and accept your unit within thirty (30) days from the date of the written notice from the Turnover Department, it will be deemed that you have legally accepted the unit. Charging of Association Dues shall automatically commence from the day that your unit has been accepted or deemed accepted.
Your unit is backed by two (2) years warranty on workmanship from the day of acceptance or deemed acceptance. However, repair of items affected by normal wear and tear, misuse or termite infestation such as lockset, faucets etc. are excluded in the prescribed warranty. Upgrades, improvements and other personal modifications to your unit may only be allowed after the official acceptance. Please note that certain warranties may be voided by alterations.